Sunday, February 6, 2011

Viking trash talk: Wren says Lesnar is a poser

Who knew there was such angst and jealousy in the world of Vikings? Brock Lesnar tabbed himself a nordic warrior, grew a gnarly beard and bagged a deer during a hunting trip to Canada. Justin Wren, a fellow American MMA fighter of Scandanavian descent, took Lesnar to task. Apparently, Lesnar isnt Viking enough. Wren posted on the Underground Forum that Lesnar's beard was weak and phony:

One had a beard for a month... The other was the only student with his own razor at middle school.

One was clean shaven for over 30 years... The other hasn't shaved once since high school (5 1/2 years)

Wren says deer, schmeer.

One shoots a deer from HUNDREDS of yards away ... and carries it out.

The other's FIRST hunt, he used only a 3 inch knife, chased down hog, flipped it to it's back, ripped out it's heart, and carried out the "Brock" sized hog over a 1,000 yards out through heavy brush, creek beds, cactus, 2 & 1/2 weeks after back surgery.

Wren finished by mocking on Lesnar for eating deer sausage while he was feasting hog hearts, one evidently exhibiting the stab wounds. 

This is clearly some good-natured ballbusting. If not, Wren, a former contestant on Season 10 of "The Ultimate Fighter," better get his career into gear so we can see the "Yuppie Viking' against the "real Viking' at UFC 154. Check out Wren's website.


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